Chair: Ed Carter
Assistant Chair: Chad Zimmerman
Secretary/Website: Eric Handorf
Treasurer: Barbara Perez
Director of Governance: Tamsen Reinheimer
Director of Communications / OUSD Liaison / Grants: Jill Kuli
Director of Events: Forrest Case
Director of Membership / School Relations: Mark D. Kuli
Director at Large: Rich Ulmer
Director at Large: Birgit Miller
Director at Large: Lesslie Giacobbi
Director at Large: Robert Frackelton
VP Council Representative: Nicol Jones
Did you know?
Each VPCSF Board member is appointed by the VP City Council & volunteers in their position for a two year term. Tell them THANKS!
Want to join the VPCS Foundation Board?
The City of Villa Park has a number of boards, commissions, and committees which allow citizens an opportunity to play an integral role in City government by advising the City Council on important issues. To be eligible for appointment, a person must be a resident of the City of Villa Park, unless otherwise noted.